In the dream she was going to be raped again.
The memory was so lucid Selina was there, walking down that
same path in Shelley Park, even as she lay face down flat on the slabs near the
edge of Bournemouth Square, a trail of spittle running out the side of her
It was night time in the dream as well and she was shouting
back at her boyfriend, Travis, telling him to go and fuck himself. He yelled
something back at her but she didn’t turn round, just kept walking in her heels
and short leather skirt, knowing the way the stilettos made her bare legs look
would be driving him crazy. The original argument had been cut from the dream.
It started here, with the walking but it ran on chronologically, not as Joey’s
dream had done, jumping back and forth in time.
Her arms were folded in tight under her boobs, the cold
night chilling her exposed shoulders deeper than the bone, but she didn’t show
it, just kept walking, even though there was nothing that way out of the park
except the cliff top. She had to keep going because Travis was behind her.
Boscombe and her house was back that way but she wasn’t going to turn round. He
wasn’t going to get anything up on her, even if she had to go right along the
cliffs and back down Woodland Walk.
He was calling her a slut and a whore but her dream self was
laughing; shouting, “Yeah but you’re not gonna get any! Ever again you limp
dick cocksucker!” Kept her back turned on him. Kept walking. There where the
path was turning; getting close to the bushes.
Then hands were on her shoulders, the big fingers digging
into her flesh, jolting her forward enough so she almost lost her footing. His
head was on her shoulder, his teeth and eyes glinting, obscenities spewing;
reek of white cider and cigarettes. She started a scream but her arms wrenching
back cut it off. Travis slammed her forward, her legs only just keeping up, her
ankle almost twisting on her spiked heel, then he span her round, mashed his
lips against hers, forcing his tongue in, pushing her head back painfully.
When he jolted her again he let go and she staggered
backwards off the path into the vegetation. Now her ankle did twist and she
cried out, falling backwards, one of her shoes coming off and disappearing in
the dark. She slammed down on her back in the undergrowth, winded; dazed;
nauseous from the drinking. Travis was laughing like this wasn’t what it was;
like her pain didn’t matter; like what he was about to do wasn’t rape. She
wasn’t crying but she was terrified, every girl’s nightmare coming true. She
scrambled backward on her elbows, screaming as he stepped off the path after
But he didn’t rush forward as she expected him to. He
reached down into the tangled foliage at his feet and brought up her missing
high heeled shoe. He revolved it in his fingers, eyeing the glint of streetlamp
on the fake alligator skin; then he tossed it at her, underarm, so it landed on
the earth near her leg.
“Put it on.”
And paradoxically she felt herself getting wet, getting
ready for him, despite his snarling face, his clenched fists, his blazing
rage-filled eyes. She did what she was told, scrambling for her shoe without
delicacy, slipping it onto her foot, her eyes fixed on Travis as he waited
until she was done before he came toward her again. “What the fuck you looking
at you little slut? Get them eyes off me!”
She did, turning her face into the foliage. He grabbed her
ankle, the one she’d twisted, squeezing, making her grimace and yelp, then ran
his fingertips up the groove in her calf; did the same on the other leg,
tenderly enough for her to think this wasn’t going to be forced after all. Then
he grabbed both knees and thrust them apart making her cry out again in shock.
“Don’t fucking look at me you whore!”
Tingles in her crotch. The sound of scrambling as he fought
with his belt and jeans. Her wrists pinned down; legs jammed apart again.
Then she was being shaken. Her name was being called. Her
eyes came open and she wasn’t in the woods of Shelley Park, but big fingers
were digging into the flesh of her shoulders. Travis was in front of her but it
wasn’t the dream anymore; it wasn’t the rape. He was shaking her awake and she
wasn’t in the woods. She was in the square; in Bournemouth Square.
“Selina, you alright luv? What’s wrong with you?”
“Travis?” She pulled herself up to sitting, bringing her
feet in closer for support, resting her back against the low wall at the edge
of the square. “What happened?”
“Fucked if I know. I found you like this.
She looked around at the people passing by, still hooked
into the dream memories. She stared at Travis, trying to reconcile the concern
on his face now with the spiteful damaging anger in the dream. It was like she
was existing in both times simultaneously: here in the square, dazed and
sleepy, and there, in the bushes as he pinned her down, laughing at her cries
for help as he forced his way in. And she was wet now, in real life, thinking
about it happening all those months ago, more tingles rippling down her body as
he pulled her to her feet and sat her down on the smooth stone wall.
“You pass out or what?”
“I don’t know.”
“You been taking something I should know about?” He snapped
out a single deep chuckle full of the same white cider and smokey breath he’d
had on the night in the park.
Selina rubbed her head. “No. Nothing. I was begging. Not
getting much. Then I...”
“I don’t know. I feel like shit.”
“Here, get some of this.” He opened the carrier bag he’d
discarded when he found her face down on the slabs and withdrew the three litre
cider bottle inside. The pressure release hissed as he opened it with his
gigantic hands and she took a long swig followed by another and a third once
she’d caught her breath. Travis didn’t say anything, just waited patiently.
“That better?”
She nodded. “Some. I don’t know what happened.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He stroked her hair gently. “This
kind of shit happens from time to time, you do the crap we get up to. Take it
in your stride. I do.”
Selina gave a dim smile but her head was throbbing.
“You don’t look bad for it anyway,” said Travis. “Not so
pale. Bags under your eyes a bit but your skin’s a good colour.” He grinned.
“You ready to go meet the troops? It’s sucker’s night at the churchyard, remember?”
Selina nodded again, resting for a moment, palms on her
knees. She glared at the people passing by, none of them staring now in her
direction. “Look at those bastards. Walking past while I was lying here and not
one of them came and fucking helped me.”
“No one was even looking when I found you.”
“People are wankers. All of them. You can’t trust a single
fucking one.”
“You can trust me!”
She looked up at him, reliving the rape again for a moment,
her face in the foliage, his big hands thrusting her knees apart then pinning
down her arms at the waist.
He put his hand out to help her up. “Come on. Let’s go!”
She didn’t question why she was still with him – she never
had; not aloud – but as she took his hand and walked where he led, she wondered
suddenly if she could get him to do it again.
Wow this scene is powerful stuff. Love it and we'll played introducing her boyfriend, the sometime gentle hair stroking supporter, sometime brutal sexual asssailant. Very nice. Quite how you manage to spin such alluring appeal into what's meant to be 'every girl's worst nightmare' is genius
ReplyDeleteYeah. It is a strangely magnetic scene. And certainly introduces Travis with a bang.
DeleteSelina is very kinky and I think probably has some "issues". (giggle)
ReplyDeleteI know the feeling!